Jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only
Jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only

jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only

This video was actually what I used in place of BodyPump when I was bailing on the gym. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available on there, so I may end up buying it.

jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only

I first came across this video when it was on Exercise on Demand. Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training I love this video because it’s quick (30 mins), you never stop moving, and you finish with a serious sweat. She incorporates a ton of abs and core work with weight training and cardio, without constantly being on the floor. I swear, no matter how often I do this video, I’m almost always sore afterward. It definitely gets me workin’ up a sweat! Jillian focuses on quickly flowing yoga sequences and incorporates them in a way that is almost more aerobic than anything else. When I’m in the mood for yoga but want a little more sweat action, I use this video. She uses a lot of effective compound moves, working the upper and lower body at the same time. Literally! Each of the circuits consists of 5 different exercises that you do for 30 seconds each, then repeat the entire sequence for a total of 2 sets of each move. The workout is composed of seven 6-minute circuits that leave no muscle unworked. I think she’s awesome and super motivating…Jay thinks she just yells. Jillian Michaels…I know some people love her, some people hate her. Recently, I was asked what some of my favorite workout DVD’s are, so here’s a quick rundown on some of my favorites and why I like ‘em. Weight Bench (this is actually Jay’s, but still available if I want to use it).Luckily, this is easy for me because I already have a pretty wide range of workout gear at my hands:

jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only

For a few months, I basically bailed on my gym membership in favor of working out at home. So if you’ve been reading STSL for a while now, then you probably already know that my workouts tend to go through phases. Keep your fingers crossed that I’ll be able to run on excitement and adrenaline all day to keep me going because I have a long (and FUN) day ahead of me! I always hate leaving my guys…even if it is just for a couple days. Well, this morning I was up and out the door at 4:30am to be sure to catch my flight on time but not before saying goodbye to my favorite boys.

Jillian michaels workouts resistance bands only